Archive by Author


Working out Loud for a Better World – Part II

A friend sent me a story this morning that describes how officials in New York City have been frustrated with the city’s domestic violence problem, “Domestic Abuse Killings Climb as Murders Drop, Frustrating New York Officials.”  Among several issues, the story highlights the “spotty coordination and communication among the police, prosecutors, city […]


Trust Me, You Need to Read This

Leading in the 21st Century network era requires skills we have not honed in the achievements and accomplishments that delivered us to this position of leadership.  Yesterday, I was watching Hillary Clinton, former U.S. Secretary of State, talking candidly about the careful art of negotiation: “The longer I do this, […]


Let Go and Let Human

“Leaders’ fear to give up control trumps their ability to trust…” – Frédéric Laloux, Reinventing Organizations We now cite “The Laloux Book” as if it were the Big Book at an AA meeting when we think carefully about decisions we’re making at Change Agents Worldwide.   We see ourselves as […]


The Transparency Ditch

Transparency is easy when it’s all going really well.  Everyone’s eager to share, share, share and be open and excited about working together in a jumble of harmonious zeal. Until something goes wrong.  Someone is offended.  Someone doesn’t agree.  Someone feels slighted. That’s when transparency takes a back seat to […]

Show your Work!

Today’s fast-paced, complex environments require a new approach to communicating and knowledge-sharing.  Old ways of electronic communications, such as e-mail (you do know that’s what the “e” stands for, yes?), simply pave over the cowpaths of existing hierarchical chains of command.  Email preserves everything bad about the industrial age including […]